Karnaphuli Power Limited
Port and commercial city ‘Chattogram’. The Karnaphuli River, in one hand, has provided the city with business opportunities. On the other hand, it has increased its beauty manifold. Baraka Group’s relationship with this city is more than 7 years. Baraka Group has been partnering with the socio-economic development of Bangladesh by building new power plants since its inception. In the same section, the Baraka Group adopted two new power projects in Chattogram. It has established a large power plant at Patia, Chattogram named Karnaphuli Power Limited (KPL).
Karnaphuli Power Limited (KPL) was incorporated in Bangladesh on November 17, 2014 as a Private Limited Company having its registered office at 6/A/1 (1st and 2nd floor), Segunbagicha, Dhaka-1000. On December 12, 2018 the Company was converted to Public Limited Company under the Companies Act, 1994.
Karnaphuli Power Limited is a 51% subsidiary of Baraka Patenga Power Limited (BPPL). The principal activity of the Company is to set up power plants for generation and supply of electricity. Karnaphuli Power Limited, itself submitted proposal to Power Division, Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources (MPEMR) to implement 110MW IPP power plant and obtain Letter of Intent (LOI) on August 08, 2017 and subsequently signed the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) on February 04, 2018 and has also signed the Implementation Agreement (IA) with the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) represented by the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources on the same day for implementing HFO fired IPP power plant having capacity of 110 MW on Build, Own, Operate (BOO) basis at Kolagaon, Patiya, Chattogram for a term of 15 years from the commercial operation date (COD).
The 110 MW HFO fired power plant located at Kolagaon, Patiya, Chattogram started its commercial operation on August 20, 2019 and supplying electricity to the national grid uninterruptedly as per requirement of BPDB. The Plant is equipped with 06 nos. of brand new Wartsila 4-Stroke Reciprocating Super Charged Engines of model W18V50 having capacity of 18.415 MW each with total capacity of 110.49 MW. In addition to that, the plant also uses 06 nos. of Alfa Laval’s Aalborg west heat recovery boiler (WHRB) with steam generating capacity of 6.6 MT per hour each. With energy recovered by these boilers, the state-of-the-art plant produces 6.5 MW electricity using NTC Steam Turbine without using any extra fuel.
Corporate Directory
Karnaphuli Power Limited (KPL)
C-119281/14 dated November 17, 2014
The Company was incorporated in Bangladesh on November 17, 2014 as Private Limited Company and converted to Public Limited Company on December 12, 2018.
Authorized Capital:
BDT 300,00,00,000 only (Divided into 20,00,00,000 ordinary shares of BDT 10 each and 10,00,00,000 preference shares of BDT 10 each)
Paid up Capital:
BDT 9,50,00,000 only (Ordinary Shares)
BDT 20,00,00,000 only (Redeemable Preference Shares)
Face value of Share:
BDT 10 each
Baraka Patenga Power Limited : 51.00%
Baraka Power Limited : 25.00%
Fusion Holdings (Pvt) Limited : 21.75%
Other Shareholders : 02.25%
6/A/1 (1st and 2nd Floor), Topkhana Road,
Segunbagicha, Dhaka
Kolagaon, Patiya, Chattogram
Masih Muhith Haque & Co., Chartered Accountants
Level-13, UTC Building, 8 Panthopoth, Dhaka-1215
Success Milestones
September 19: Successfully completed Annual Dependable Capacity Test securing Dependable Capacity of 110 MW.
January 23: Successful completion of syndicated term loan arrangement with over subscription by IDCOL for Karnaphuli Power Limited amounting to USD 40 million and BDT 3310 million against USD 35 million and BDT 2240 million respectively.
August 20: Karnaphuli Power Limited successfully started Commercial Operation of its 110 MW Power Plant.
November 13: Formal Inauguration of 110 MW Karnaphuli Power Plant by the Honorable Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina.
February 04: Karnaphuli Power Limited (a subsidiary of BPPL) signed PPA with BPDB and IA with the Government of Bangladesh.
March 25: Appointment of EPC contractor for implementing the 110 MW Power Plant of Karnaphuli Power Limited.
December 12: Karnaphuli Power Limited has been converted to Public Limited Company.
August 08: Received LOI from BPDB for implementing a 110 MW IPP Power Plant under Karnaphuli Power Limited (a subsidiary of BPPL).
September 18: Signing of Engine Purchase Agreement with Wartsila Finland OY to purchase 06 nos. of Gen-Sets for Karnaphuli 110MW Power Plant.
October 18: Fund Raising Agreement with IDCOL for raising of BDT 2,800 million and USD 35 million for Karnaphuli Power Limited.
November 17: Incorporated as a Private Limited Company under the Companies Act, 1994.